Things are ramping up around my studio in a serious way today and tomorrow in preparation for my debut at the National Stationery Show! I can't wait in some ways and in others, I'm slightly terrified. (Ok, maybe terrified is too strong a word but let's just say mightily anticipatory.) I thought I'd take a minute to give you a look at what I've chosen to put in my media kits this year. I'm making about 25 of these and they'll be put in the press room at the show. I've never created a kit before for my own line, so it's a bit different than doing Surtex. I've decided to include one of my catalogs so that whoever gets this can see my entire line (and hopefully write about it in the future!), one of my Famous Babes and Bohemians perpetual calendars, an embossed card, a postcard mailer (because it also has my booth number on it) and of course, my business card. Since some of my line is printed on fabric and most of my pieces begin with wire, I wanted to include that in my package in some way. I thought that putting everything in a fabric bag and securing my business card with a wire holder would be different and hopefully an eye and spark interest! These photos are not the best, as we haven't had much sun here in the Midwest for days now, but hopefully you can get the idea.

My media kit includes: 2 product examples (perpetual calendar and embossed greeting card), postcard mailer with booth number, and catalog
My business card secured with wire to the front of a hand-sewn fabric envelope that
prominently displays my booth number
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