Hi and Happy Monday once again! I skipped the Meditation Monday post last Monday because I've been adding to my meditation practice by exploring visualization podcasts lately. I do meditate each day but have been moving into visualizing what I'd like for my life also. I don't feel I can devote more than about 20 minutes a day to the practice of meditation and visualization combined (because you have to have time to DO the things you're visualizing!) but I find this new practice has made my awareness of the present moment much stronger and made me feel generally more calm and focused. I am no stranger to creative visualization--in fact, I have many books on the subject from years ago, but I made the mistake of letting impatience take over and when things didn't materialize when I thought they should, I gave up. I feel no small amount of shame in saying that, but there's no value in living in the past either so I'm focusing on today. One of the speakers I've been listening to lately is David Neagle. His program is called "Art of Success". He does come at visualization from the viewpoint of making a success of your business but all the principles can also be applied to any facet of your life from relationships to finding the right job or running your own business. He has a series of free podcasts on iTunes which can be found here:
Although I have to say I'm not crazy about the announcer's voice at the beginning of the program, when David begins to speak I feel he's very relatable and the things he teaches have really spoken to me in my life. One of the biggest changes that I needed to make (but didn't even realize it) is my self-talk. David's rule is to "never, ever, EVER speak or think in any way but a positive one about yourself."
I never realized how many times I put myself down inside my own head, or actually visualized BAD things happening and then wondered why they came to pass. This really turned my head around and made me get out of my own way. I hope it does the same for you. Give a listen and have a great Monday!
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