Saturday, December 14, 2013

Making A Winter Amaro

I'd never made an Amaro before-in fact, I didn't even know what one was until a couple of weeks ago. I started researching craft cocktails as a Christmas gift for my hair stylist. He'd been concocting some great cocktails of his own so I thought it would be fun to give him a taste of his own medicine (so to speak). I found a fantastic cocktail website called Mama Knows Her Cocktails  and it was there that I became acquainted with this recipe for a winter Amaro. According to Mama Beth, Amaros are bitter-sweet Italian herbal liqueurs, commonly drunk as an after-dinner digestif. Although my garden outside is definitely dormant for this season, I made do with some herbs and extracts purchased at local stores. Next year I hope to make a Spring Amaro from my garden though. For the liquor, I used a locally produced vodka named Most Wanted, made in nearby Atchison, KS. Then into a mason jar I put these ingredients:
•bay leaf
•fennel seeds
•whole cloves
•cinnamon sticks
•cardamom seeds
•rind of tangerine
•a few drops of mint and lemon extract

I won't know how this turns out for 6 weeks (the time needed for infusion) but I'm hopeful it will be a good tasting treat.
If I follow Beth's advice, I would add a little turbinado syrup to the strained Amaro when it's ready to drink.

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